
Final DRF Session for 18/19!

Tuesday, 14th May

Time: 11am – 1pm.

Place: 12.02.20 Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University. City Campus

This is on the second floor of the Charles Street Building which is just next to Arundel where we held meetings last year.

Speaker 1: Emma Rice

Title: Employing inclusive research methods: autistic pupils’ sense of self and the influence of mainstream schooling


Autism advocates critique autism research for the exclusion of autistic voice, its predominant focus on identifying deficit development, and its subsequent focus on ‘normalising’ through treatment (Chown et al., 2017; Milton, 2014; Milton & Bracher, 2013). Autism and sense of self research regularly employs autistic young people in comparison with their ‘normative’ counterparts, exploring autistic sense of self in terms of what is lacking in comparison with others. Responding to the call for more participatory and inclusive research methods, the research project reported on in this paper, draws on participatory paradigms to enable autistic young people to articulate their sense of self- to tell the story of ‘who am I?’ with their own voice (Chown et al., 2017; Milton, Mills & Pellicano, 2012). Alongside this, the mainstream secondary school environment and its influence on autistic young people’s positive or negative self-views is explored. In focusing on an inclusive research approach, the project is engaging with a plurality of research methods, as advised by Stone and Priestley (1996) with the autistic young people involved employing individualised modes of expression. Consequently, this research project draws together visual, verbal and written methods to consider how autistic young people conceptualise their sense of self, including the impact of mainstream schooling on this. Within this presentation, I will explore how drawing on a participatory paradigm and providing a range of choices, including in methods of expression, has enabled autistic pupils to share their views and experiences. This evaluation will include autistic pupils’ own appraisal of the participatory methods employed together with their experiences, thoughts and opinions in relation to sense of self and mainstream schooling.

Key words: autism, participatory, voice, sense of self, mainstream secondary school.

Speaker 2: Antonios Ktendis

Title: ‘Does an extra inch make a ‘real’ difference?’

Short Stories of Young People with Restricted Growth of their Secondary Education


Once we start talking about the body and how we live in our bodies, we ‘re automatically challenging the way that power has orchestrated itself in that particular institutionalised space (hooks, 1994: 136-137).

Does growth matter? To whom? Where? Why? Whose/WHO’s growth?

Two stories, three readings, no morals.

Critical Disability Studies, Disabled Children’s Childhood Studies, Dis/Human Disability Studies

Biopolitics, Critical Pedagogy, Biopedagogies, Heightism

Stories, counter stories, (counter)storytelling, embodiment, storying, dis/storying

Restricted (Growth), (Restricted) Growth, (Restricted Growth), Restricted Growth