
The final DRF of this academic year is happening tomorrow! There is still time to get tickets!

Date: December, 14th 2022

Time: 2-4pm

Presenter 1, Name: Poongkothai, T

Presenter 2, Name: Steve Graby

To register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drf-seminar-series-2022-event-4-tickets-482976404427

Talk 1, Title: Issues and Challenges of Visual Impaired Women who are away from their Family

Talk 1, Abstract:

The basic understandings of the society on people with visual impairment are, unable to see the world and being depended on others. The major foundation of women development begins from their family. According to the literature, most of the Indian families follow patriarchal thoughts. There are not many studies related to women with visual impairment in the literature. They are being marginalized in society by their gender and disability. The factors are analysed by random sampling with thirty (30) participants who are willing to share for the proposed qualitative and quantitative study with the limitation of a special approach to participate in the study on” Issues and Challenges of Women with Visually Impairment who are away from their Family”.

The objective of this study is to find out the causes and consequences of visually impaired unmarried women who stay away from their family.

The outcomes of the study are: 1) Visually impairment is a cause to bring the participants under one roof, 2) Strategies possessed by the visually impaired women to fulfill their needs, 3) Developing their independent lifestyle and 4) Getting a life partner.

Key words: Visually Impaired Women, Disability, Issues and Challenges.

Authors: T.Poongkothai *& N. Manimekalai**

* Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathidasan University, ThiruchIrappallai – 23, E-Mail: vslp.family@gmail.com

** Professor & Head, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathidasan University, ThiruchIrappallai – 23

Talk 2, Title: “Mutual support is absolutely a shared value”: synergies and potential for constructive engagement between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement

Talk 2, Abstract:

Co-operatives are businesses which are collectively owned by their members and which follow an internationally agreed set of co-operative principles (Birchall 2011). In the UK, the best-established types of co-operatives include housing and workers’ co-ops, while there is growing interest in the potential of multi-stakeholder co-ops (those with two or more classes of member-owners) particularly in the area of social reproduction, including services used by disabled people such as personal assistance and communication support.

While some previous work has pointed towards synergies and similarities between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement (e.g. Beresford 2016; Roulstone & Hwang 2015), in the UK (unlike for example in the Nordic countries) there has been little organised contact or collaboration between the two. However, many disabled people are members of co-operatives, and they have significant potential for challenging and surmounting disabling barriers in many aspects of daily life and for meeting many access and assistance needs that are currently not met by the state or market sectors.

This paper is based on research on disabled people’s involvement in co-operatives of all kinds in the UK, but focusing here largely on interviews with disabled members of housing and workers’ co-ops. Participants perceived both considerable synergies and possible tensions between the principles and practices of co-ops and those of the DPM. Key areas of connection include values of equity and inclusivity, subsidiarity or control by the directly affected, non-paternalistic solidarity, collective autonomy and interdependence. Identifying and examining these, while acknowledging problematic aspects such as unexamined barriers and ableist ideology within co-ops, points towards the value both of the co-operative business form as a strategic tool for disabled people, and of constructive dialogue about shared ideas and principles for both the disabled people’s and co-operative movements.


There’s also still time to join us for our last DRF this academic year! 14th of December, 2-4pm. Hear talks from Poongkothai, T and Steve Graby. Their talks are: “Visually Impaired Women, Disability, Issues and Challenges.” and “Mutual support is absolutely a shared value”: synergies and potential for constructive engagement between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement”There’s also still time to join us for our last DRF this academic year!

Date: December, 14th 2022

Time: 2-4pm

Presenter 1, Name: Poongkothai, T

Presenter 2, Name: Steve Graby

To register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drf-seminar-series-2022-event-4-tickets-482976404427

Talk 1, Title: Issues and Challenges of Visual Impaired Women who are away from their Family

Talk 1, Abstract:

The basic understandings of the society on people with visual impairment are, unable to see the world and being depended on others. The major foundation of women development begins from their family. According to the literature, most of the Indian families follow patriarchal thoughts. There are not many studies related to women with visual impairment in the literature. They are being marginalized in society by their gender and disability. The factors are analysed by random sampling with thirty (30) participants who are willing to share for the proposed qualitative and quantitative study with the limitation of a special approach to participate in the study on” Issues and Challenges of Women with Visually Impairment who are away from their Family”.

The objective of this study is to find out the causes and consequences of visually impaired unmarried women who stay away from their family.

The outcomes of the study are: 1) Visually impairment is a cause to bring the participants under one roof, 2) Strategies possessed by the visually impaired women to fulfill their needs, 3) Developing their independent lifestyle and 4) Getting a life partner.

Key words: Visually Impaired Women, Disability, Issues and Challenges.

Authors: T.Poongkothai *& N. Manimekalai**

* Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathidasan University, ThiruchIrappallai – 23, E-Mail: vslp.family@gmail.com

** Professor & Head, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathidasan University, ThiruchIrappallai – 23

Talk 2, Title: “Mutual support is absolutely a shared value”: synergies and potential for constructive engagement between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement

Talk 2, Abstract:

Co-operatives are businesses which are collectively owned by their members and which follow an internationally agreed set of co-operative principles (Birchall 2011). In the UK, the best-established types of co-operatives include housing and workers’ co-ops, while there is growing interest in the potential of multi-stakeholder co-ops (those with two or more classes of member-owners) particularly in the area of social reproduction, including services used by disabled people such as personal assistance and communication support.

While some previous work has pointed towards synergies and similarities between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement (e.g. Beresford 2016; Roulstone & Hwang 2015), in the UK (unlike for example in the Nordic countries) there has been little organised contact or collaboration between the two. However, many disabled people are members of co-operatives, and they have significant potential for challenging and surmounting disabling barriers in many aspects of daily life and for meeting many access and assistance needs that are currently not met by the state or market sectors.

This paper is based on research on disabled people’s involvement in co-operatives of all kinds in the UK, but focusing here largely on interviews with disabled members of housing and workers’ co-ops. Participants perceived both considerable synergies and possible tensions between the principles and practices of co-ops and those of the DPM. Key areas of connection include values of equity and inclusivity, subsidiarity or control by the directly affected, non-paternalistic solidarity, collective autonomy and interdependence. Identifying and examining these, while acknowledging problematic aspects such as unexamined barriers and ableist ideology within co-ops, points towards the value both of the co-operative business form as a strategic tool for disabled people, and of constructive dialogue about shared ideas and principles for both the disabled people’s and co-operative movements.


There’s still time! DRF Event 3 2022. Come and Join us on 12th Dec 1-3.30pm. Hear talks from Richard Woods, Andrew McEwan, and ViKki McCall and Dianne-Dominique Theakstone. Their talks are: ““Pathological Demand-Avoidance”: exactly who has a “pathological” need to control whom?”, “Towards an Avant-Garde Dishumanism” and “New Project – Intersectionality of Stigma and Place-Based Ageing”There’s still time!

Date: December 12th, 2022

Time: 1-3.30pm

Presenter 1, Name: Richard Woods

Presenter 2, Name: Andrew McEwan

Presenter 3, Name: ViKki McCall and Dianne-Dominique Theakstone

To register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drf-seminar-series-2022-event-3-tickets-481486628467

Talk 1, Title: Pathological Demand-Avoidance”: exactly who has a “pathological” need to control whom?

Talk 1, Abstract:

Pathological Demand-Avoidance” (PDA) is a proposed mental Disorder, centered on the avoidance of “ordinary” demands, typically the requests by other persons. There is substantial debate and many controversies surrounding it, including that PDA, is used to allow children to transgress adult-centric cultural norms due to the use of collaborative approaches; these include reducing demands, offering two-three choices, and negotiating with the child. Consequently, in 2013, Damian Milton asked, exactly who has a “pathological” need to control whom?

Investigating this question, a thematic analysis is being conducted of selected PDA literature. Two main preliminary themes are emerging. One is that there is a power struggle between adults and children believed to have PDA, and the second is a power struggle between advocates for the “PDA Profile of ASD”, and those critical of this outlook. These results will likely add to the PDA’s controversies and its ongoing-historical debates. There is an urgent need to attempt to establish a robust ethical case for using PDA in clinical and research settings.

Talk 2, Title: Towards an Avant-Garde Dishumanism

Talk 2, Abstract:

This talk will put the theories and aesthetics of avant-gardism into conversation with recent theories of mental disability arising from critical disability studies and madness studies. It does so in order to develop a critical approach that both expands literary disability studies’ formal criticism, and provoke avant-garde theorization to reconsider some of its founding aestheticization and metaphorization of mental disability. This talk develops this interdisciplinary encounter through analysis of avant-garde writing by poets who have documented lived experiences of mental disability and ableist harm. I analyze the modes by which mentally disabled avant-garde poets integrated disruptive aesthetics with their lived experience. Through this analysis, I theorize avant-garde dishumanist aesthetics and social critique, based in Daniel Goodley and Katherine Runswick-Cole’s theorization of dis/humanism. With critical attention to silenced narratives, a combined avant-garde dishumanism presents a complex temporality that acknowledges incompleteness, messiness, and the shifting critical positions of communicative relation in audiences of the present. Avant-garde dishumanist texts trouble normative and dominant ideologies for the purposes of creating experiences of future modes of relation and communication from located and embodied positions of disability. This talk ultimately argues for a literary disability studies approach informed by avant-garde poetics to both address the avant-garde’s roots in mental ableism, and deepen disability studies’ formal textual analysis.


Andrew McEwan is the 2022-2023 Tanis Doe Postdoctoral Scholar in Gender, Disability, and Social Justice in the School of Disability Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University. He researches and writes on literary and cultural representations of mental disability, madness, and neurodivergence. He has published academic writing in the edited collections Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health and Imaginary Safe House. He is also a writer with two published poetry collections: Repeater (shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Award) and If Pressed, and the forthcoming Tours, Variously (2024). He has also published numerous literary chapbooks including Conditional, Can’t tell if this book is depressing or if I’m just sad, Theory of Rooms, and Recoveringly (forthcoming 2023).

Talk 3, Title: New Project – Intersectionality of Stigma and Place-Based Ageing

Talk 3, Abstract: Come and join us to talk about our new project. We are looking to set up an advisory board and would like to hear from you about our ideas and potentially bring you on board.

The project synopsis
Stigma can lead to increased barriers to services, exclusion and negative experiences, yet little is known about the lived experiences of people impacted by several dimensions of stigma (intersectional stigma). The new Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing (ISPA) Project will explore and understand how stigma attached to where people live, disability, and ageing intersect to give nuanced insights to the structures and systems that drive exclusion and to tackle inequalities experienced by older disabled adults.
This project will examine inequalities and stigma to develop interventions related to home and environmental modifications that encourage inclusive approaches that support people to age well within homes and communities.
This ambitious 5-year participatory mixed method study will include innovative analyses of secondary longitudinal quantitative data, new ethnographic qualitative data, and co-production with disabled community peer-reviewers. A new community peer-research group of disabled adults will be the heart of this project to developing more inclusive approaches to ageing in place that break down the barriers to access and inclusion in key services created by stigma.
Why this project is important
The ISPA project is so important because we know very little about how stigma intersects in different ways. Imagine that you live in an area which is often tarred with an unfair “blemish of place”. These are often our most multi-deprived areas and stigmatisation of place often results in underrepresentation, underinvestment and people living there often experience additional barriers. Now imagine you live in one of these stigmatised areas but you’re also experiencing ageism related to growing older. Perhaps also, you are living with a disability and experiencing discrimination due to this.
This project sets out to capture that nuance and intersectional experience and then translate those insights to changes in the home and wider environment that can tackle that stigma. We have an incredible range of partners signed up for our emerging Inclusive Living Alliance who are going to help us develop much more inclusive approaches to ageing-inplace.
Project team
The project is led by Dr Vikki McCall with Co-Investigators Professor
Alasdair Rutherford, Dr Kim McKee and Dr Dianne Theakstone, University
of Stirling in partnership with Dr Louise Reid, University of St Andrews,
Professor Rose Gilroy, Newcastle University and Professor David Manley,
University of Bristol.
Wider project co-investigators also include Debs Allan, Scottish Federation
of Housing Associations and Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN.
The keystone to the project will be building an Inclusive Living Alliance, a
UK wide network.

Project partners already working with ISPA include:

  • The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
  • Foundations
  • Public Health Scotland
  • Horizon Housing Association
  • Springfield Properties plc
  • Link Housing Group
  • Motionspot
  • Stonewater Housing Association
  • Artlink Central
  • The Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO)
  • Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD)
  • Care & Repair Scotland
  • Care & Repair Cymru

New Event Announced! Come and join us for our 4th DRF Event! 14th of December, 2-4pm. Hear talks from Poongkothai, T and Steve Graby. Their talks are: “Visually Impaired Women, Disability, Issues and Challenges.” and “Mutual support is absolutely a shared value”: synergies and potential for constructive engagement between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement”

Date: December, 14th 2022

Time: 2-4pm

Presenter 1, Name: Poongkothai, T

Presenter 2, Name: Steve Graby

To register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drf-seminar-series-2022-event-4-tickets-482976404427

Talk 1, Title: Issues and Challenges of Visual Impaired Women who are away from their Family

Talk 1, Abstract:

The basic understandings of the society on people with visual impairment are, unable to see the world and being depended on others. The major foundation of women development begins from their family. According to the literature, most of the Indian families follow patriarchal thoughts. There are not many studies related to women with visual impairment in the literature. They are being marginalized in society by their gender and disability. The factors are analysed by random sampling with thirty (30) participants who are willing to share for the proposed qualitative and quantitative study with the limitation of a special approach to participate in the study on” Issues and Challenges of Women with Visually Impairment who are away from their Family”.

The objective of this study is to find out the causes and consequences of visually impaired unmarried women who stay away from their family.

The outcomes of the study are: 1) Visually impairment is a cause to bring the participants under one roof, 2) Strategies possessed by the visually impaired women to fulfill their needs, 3) Developing their independent lifestyle and 4) Getting a life partner.

Key words: Visually Impaired Women, Disability, Issues and Challenges.

Authors: T.Poongkothai *& N. Manimekalai**

* Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathidasan University, ThiruchIrappallai – 23, E-Mail: vslp.family@gmail.com

** Professor & Head, Department of Women’s Studies, Bharathidasan University, ThiruchIrappallai – 23

Talk 2, Title: “Mutual support is absolutely a shared value”: synergies and potential for constructive engagement between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement

Talk 2, Abstract:

Co-operatives are businesses which are collectively owned by their members and which follow an internationally agreed set of co-operative principles (Birchall 2011). In the UK, the best-established types of co-operatives include housing and workers’ co-ops, while there is growing interest in the potential of multi-stakeholder co-ops (those with two or more classes of member-owners) particularly in the area of social reproduction, including services used by disabled people such as personal assistance and communication support.

While some previous work has pointed towards synergies and similarities between co-operatives and the Disabled People’s Movement (e.g. Beresford 2016; Roulstone & Hwang 2015), in the UK (unlike for example in the Nordic countries) there has been little organised contact or collaboration between the two. However, many disabled people are members of co-operatives, and they have significant potential for challenging and surmounting disabling barriers in many aspects of daily life and for meeting many access and assistance needs that are currently not met by the state or market sectors.

This paper is based on research on disabled people’s involvement in co-operatives of all kinds in the UK, but focusing here largely on interviews with disabled members of housing and workers’ co-ops. Participants perceived both considerable synergies and possible tensions between the principles and practices of co-ops and those of the DPM. Key areas of connection include values of equity and inclusivity, subsidiarity or control by the directly affected, non-paternalistic solidarity, collective autonomy and interdependence. Identifying and examining these, while acknowledging problematic aspects such as unexamined barriers and ableist ideology within co-ops, points towards the value both of the co-operative business form as a strategic tool for disabled people, and of constructive dialogue about shared ideas and principles for both the disabled people’s and co-operative movements.


Call for papers and expressions of interest – Marxism and Disability: Towards Critical Approaches

This call is for expressions of interests and for papers to be delivered at an online seminar once a month throughout 2023 (with the possibility of an in-person event in the summer. It seeks to build a collection of contributions that could form an edited collection, with an international publisher already showing initial interest.

There has been significant rapprochement between Marxism and identity focused politics at the beginning of the 20th Century, with social reproduction, racialised capitalism and queer Marxism amongst those initiatives that provide a critical foundation for contemporary theory, politics and struggle. Disability studies developed in an uneasy relationship with Marxism, though many of its founding figures draw from Marxist influences (Mike Oliver, Lennard J Davis, Margaret Shildrik, Fiona Campbell, Tanja Aho, David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder) or identify directly with Marxist approaches (Marta Russell, Staffan Bengtsson, Roddy Slorach, David Matthews). At the same time, disability studies have developed its own distinctive critiques, including radical iterations such as crip theory (Robert McRuer, Simi Linton, Dan Goodley, Shelley Tremain, Gregor Wolbring, Alison Kafer) and critical disability studies.

The purpose of this initiative is to explore how disability and Marxist analyses create fruitful bases for an inclusive, creative, and critical approach to the inequalities, alienation, and oppression of disabled people under contemporary capitalism, as well as to the central place of disability politics within working-class and anti-capitalist struggles. We welcome contributions cross and trans-disciplinary in nature, drawing from all Marxist traditions and strands of disability theory and focused on both philosophical/theoretical and political/empirical questions. We very much welcome work in progress. We are looking, specifically, for two types of contribution:

1. Willingness to give a paper at the seminar series online

2. Willingness to attend sessions each month in order to build a critical mass of intellectuals and activists (we regard the division as porous) engaged with the subject matter.

We envisage the project as initially developing as follows:

December 2022 – 10th January 2023 – send expressions of interest in the project to arianna.introna@open.ac.uk. We will compile an email list who will receive notifications of monthly seminars and the programme of papers. These expressions of interest might include titles and 250-word abstracts of contributions to the seminar series. Each seminar will be 90 minutes with 45 minutes for papers and 45 minutes for discussion.

We will continue to take expressions of interest after the 10th January, but hope to have developed a cohort of interested people prior to then

Wednesday 11th January – First meeting of the group 7.00pm – 9.00pm

This will involve a short introductory meeting about the way in which we envisage the project developing, and the first paper:

On Crip Compositionisms: Recognising Disability in Our Midst

Arianna Introna, Open University

Arianna Introna – arianna.introna@open.ac.uk Paul Reynolds – paul.reynolds@open.ac.uk


DRF Event 3 2022. Come and Join us on 12th Dec 1-3.30pm. Hear talks from Richard Woods, Andrew McEwan, and ViKki McCall and Dianne-Dominique Theakstone. Their talks are: ““Pathological Demand-Avoidance”: exactly who has a “pathological” need to control whom?”, “Towards an Avant-Garde Dishumanism” and “New Project – Intersectionality of Stigma and Place-Based Ageing”

Date: December 12th, 2022

Time: 1-3.30pm

Presenter 1, Name: Richard Woods

Presenter 2, Name: Andrew McEwan

Presenter 3, Name: ViKki McCall and Dianne-Dominique Theakstone

To register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/drf-seminar-series-2022-event-3-tickets-481486628467

Talk 1, Title: Pathological Demand-Avoidance”: exactly who has a “pathological” need to control whom?

Talk 1, Abstract:

Pathological Demand-Avoidance” (PDA) is a proposed mental Disorder, centered on the avoidance of “ordinary” demands, typically the requests by other persons. There is substantial debate and many controversies surrounding it, including that PDA, is used to allow children to transgress adult-centric cultural norms due to the use of collaborative approaches; these include reducing demands, offering two-three choices, and negotiating with the child. Consequently, in 2013, Damian Milton asked, exactly who has a “pathological” need to control whom?

Investigating this question, a thematic analysis is being conducted of selected PDA literature. Two main preliminary themes are emerging. One is that there is a power struggle between adults and children believed to have PDA, and the second is a power struggle between advocates for the “PDA Profile of ASD”, and those critical of this outlook. These results will likely add to the PDA’s controversies and its ongoing-historical debates. There is an urgent need to attempt to establish a robust ethical case for using PDA in clinical and research settings.

Talk 2, Title: Towards an Avant-Garde Dishumanism

Talk 2, Abstract:

This talk will put the theories and aesthetics of avant-gardism into conversation with recent theories of mental disability arising from critical disability studies and madness studies. It does so in order to develop a critical approach that both expands literary disability studies’ formal criticism, and provoke avant-garde theorization to reconsider some of its founding aestheticization and metaphorization of mental disability. This talk develops this interdisciplinary encounter through analysis of avant-garde writing by poets who have documented lived experiences of mental disability and ableist harm. I analyze the modes by which mentally disabled avant-garde poets integrated disruptive aesthetics with their lived experience. Through this analysis, I theorize avant-garde dishumanist aesthetics and social critique, based in Daniel Goodley and Katherine Runswick-Cole’s theorization of dis/humanism. With critical attention to silenced narratives, a combined avant-garde dishumanism presents a complex temporality that acknowledges incompleteness, messiness, and the shifting critical positions of communicative relation in audiences of the present. Avant-garde dishumanist texts trouble normative and dominant ideologies for the purposes of creating experiences of future modes of relation and communication from located and embodied positions of disability. This talk ultimately argues for a literary disability studies approach informed by avant-garde poetics to both address the avant-garde’s roots in mental ableism, and deepen disability studies’ formal textual analysis.


Andrew McEwan is the 2022-2023 Tanis Doe Postdoctoral Scholar in Gender, Disability, and Social Justice in the School of Disability Studies at Toronto Metropolitan University. He researches and writes on literary and cultural representations of mental disability, madness, and neurodivergence. He has published academic writing in the edited collections Literatures of Madness: Disability Studies and Mental Health and Imaginary Safe House. He is also a writer with two published poetry collections: Repeater (shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Award) and If Pressed, and the forthcoming Tours, Variously (2024). He has also published numerous literary chapbooks including Conditional, Can’t tell if this book is depressing or if I’m just sad, Theory of Rooms, and Recoveringly (forthcoming 2023).

Talk 3, Title: New Project – Intersectionality of Stigma and Place-Based Ageing

Talk 3, Abstract: Come and join us to talk about our new project. We are looking to set up an advisory board and would like to hear from you about our ideas and potentially bring you on board.

The project synopsis
Stigma can lead to increased barriers to services, exclusion and negative experiences, yet little is known about the lived experiences of people impacted by several dimensions of stigma (intersectional stigma). The new Intersectional Stigma of Place-based Ageing (ISPA) Project will explore and understand how stigma attached to where people live, disability, and ageing intersect to give nuanced insights to the structures and systems that drive exclusion and to tackle inequalities experienced by older disabled adults.
This project will examine inequalities and stigma to develop interventions related to home and environmental modifications that encourage inclusive approaches that support people to age well within homes and communities.
This ambitious 5-year participatory mixed method study will include innovative analyses of secondary longitudinal quantitative data, new ethnographic qualitative data, and co-production with disabled community peer-reviewers. A new community peer-research group of disabled adults will be the heart of this project to developing more inclusive approaches to ageing in place that break down the barriers to access and inclusion in key services created by stigma.
Why this project is important
The ISPA project is so important because we know very little about how stigma intersects in different ways. Imagine that you live in an area which is often tarred with an unfair “blemish of place”. These are often our most multi-deprived areas and stigmatisation of place often results in underrepresentation, underinvestment and people living there often experience additional barriers. Now imagine you live in one of these stigmatised areas but you’re also experiencing ageism related to growing older. Perhaps also, you are living with a disability and experiencing discrimination due to this.
This project sets out to capture that nuance and intersectional experience and then translate those insights to changes in the home and wider environment that can tackle that stigma. We have an incredible range of partners signed up for our emerging Inclusive Living Alliance who are going to help us develop much more inclusive approaches to ageing-inplace.
Project team
The project is led by Dr Vikki McCall with Co-Investigators Professor
Alasdair Rutherford, Dr Kim McKee and Dr Dianne Theakstone, University
of Stirling in partnership with Dr Louise Reid, University of St Andrews,
Professor Rose Gilroy, Newcastle University and Professor David Manley,
University of Bristol.
Wider project co-investigators also include Debs Allan, Scottish Federation
of Housing Associations and Jeremy Porteus, Housing LIN.
The keystone to the project will be building an Inclusive Living Alliance, a
UK wide network.

Project partners already working with ISPA include:

  • The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
  • Foundations
  • Public Health Scotland
  • Horizon Housing Association
  • Springfield Properties plc
  • Link Housing Group
  • Motionspot
  • Stonewater Housing Association
  • Artlink Central
  • The Association of Local Authority Chief Housing Officers (ALACHO)
  • Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities (SCLD)
  • Care & Repair Scotland
  • Care & Repair Cymru