
DRF – Call for Presenters 2023-2024 academic year.

I hope the summer is treating everyone well!

Before I get to the main part of this post, I am appealing to people to share this and future posts with people who may be interested in our seminars, as WordPress have stopped automatically tweeting posts to the @SHUDisability account (or any Twitter account). I have also lost access to the Twitter account itself and so I won’t be able to tweet announcements in the same way as I used to, going forwards! You can follow me (@SHannamSwain) instead though.

Well it’s that time of year again that I am starting to look for people who would like to present at the Disability Research Forum during the 2023-2024 academic year. I am keeping the DRF online this academic year as we have had people joining us internationally, which would be harder to achieve if I move back in person. Hybrid access is something that I will look to for future years.

This years sessions will be held on Zoom (but please let me know if another online area is better for you in terms of accessibility). Please have a look at our  privacyaccessibility and presentation guidance to keep up to date with how we aim to keep our sessions as accessible as possible for as many people as possible. Unfortunately we are constrained in that we have no funding to help with things like sourcing BSL interpreters, but I aim to give the best experience I can under these constraints.

I am asking again that you sign up to each event using the Eventbrite site, so that the appropriate link can be sent to you on the morning of the talk. Please let me know if you have any accessibility problems using that platform.

If you would like to come and present at the DRF (virtually) please get in touch on the email address below. Before Christmas sessions are likely to take place on a Tuesday, Thursday or Friday but I don’t have my teaching schedule confirmed yet for after Christmas so these days may be different.

Ever since it began, an important part of the DRF has been bringing people together.  Since 2005 it has worked to create informal networks by providing friendly and encouraging environments in which to discuss and think through all things ‘disability’.

In case you are interested in contributing to one of our future sessions, please contact Steph Hannam-Swain: s.r.hannam-swain@shu.ac.uk . Please also have a look at our guidelines about accessible presentations.

If you have any accessibility requirements please email me to try to facilitate.